Meet the Friendly Law Team
Your future... We are here to help!
Why Friendly Law?
One of the basic lessons learned from the most modern insights generated about the nature and interconnection of law, technology, and communication is that because of the connection between law and important values, motives, and strong principles, which are critical for a just and humane society, world decision processes are most usefully understood as processes of communication. This understanding highlighted how the fair distribution of the economy of the world is a narrow lens that is often confined to specialists, and how this makes the local and global legal institutions redressing poverty and of racial, gender, and economic inequality as one of the central issues that the international legal order currently confronts.
Because of this dynamic, Friendly Law came to believe in the need for education and advanced professional work beyond the traditional legal practice, focused on how to influence the expectations of the ordinary citizen concerning the basic values of international order and world civilization, such as, but not limited to, the fundamental ideas of universal security and peace, the value of the principles of equality at every level, the critical salience of the rule of law, and the imperatives of human developments and social economic progress.
Our Mission
To provide future, current, and former low-income law students with opportunities to begin and succeed in their professional journey and to serve the community at large by making law friendlier, and thus, providing a better understanding of the interaction between law and the different aspects of their everyday life.
Our Vision
Law doesn’t need to be complicated. However, it is! And because of that many fall victims of legal issues that not only take away their sense of agency, but also their capacity to pursue their dreams. Friendly Law has a deep passion and a strong commitment for the better understanding of the interconnection and role between law, technology, and communication in the shaping and sharing of power processes affecting human and civil rights. And as such, Friendly Law aims to prevent people from not pursuing their dreams because they got caught up in a legal issue because of their own ignorance of the law, and to ensure no one else decides not to pursue a dream because of lack of resources, information, direction, and/or support.
Meet the Board of Directors!

Dr. Aitza M Haddad Núñez
Founder, Board President, CEO / Fundadora, Presidenta de la Junta, CEO

Ann-Marie Waterman
Board Member

Dr. Viviannette Martinez Serrano
Member Board of Directors / Parte de la Junta Directiva

Dr. Chaz Gipson
Board Member
Francisco Rosario Robles
Board Member

Charlene Sierra Calzada
Board Member
Marina Vazquez
Board Member
Meet Our Ambassadors, and Young Scholars

María T. López Colom, Esq.
Corporate Law Ambassador / Embajadora en Derecho Corporativo

Cheyanne Rosier
Environmental Ambassador and Young Scholar / Embajadora Ambiental y Joven Académica

Veronica Musa, J.D., LL.M.
Human Rights Ambassador / Embajadora en Derechos Humanos

Elizabeth Hernandez
Criminal Justice Ambassador and Young Scholar / Embajadora de Justicia Criminal y Joven Académica

Aya Yano
International Studies Ambassador / Embajadora en Estudios Internacionales

Benjamin Goodman, M.A., J.D.
Indigenous Rights Ambassador / Embajador en Derechos Indígenas

Luis Fuentes-Alvarez, M.S.
Diversity and Inclusion Ambassador / Embajador en Diversidad e Inclusión

Victoria Okoro
Women's Rights Ambassador / Embajadora de los Derechos de la Mujer