Donate & Suit Up!
A Professional Attire Donation Program
Let us help you look like the professional you are!
Why Donate & Suit Up?
Consider the clothing you wear in different situations, such as in class, at work, attending a religious or spiritual ceremony, etc. How does this affect the image that you present to others? How does wearing different clothing affect how you feel about yourself? Are there any implicit or explicit rules that regulate what types of clothes you wear? Unfortunately, they are! And Friendly Law wants to helo you look like the professional you feel and are!
Dress for the Part!
To distinguish clothing as artifacts that are used to construct a particular type of identity in different social situations, and to reflect on how dress is regulated, can help us to better identify and understand the implicit rules hidden in social dynamics; like inferring based on how people respond, favorably or unfavorably, to what we wear, perhaps through nonverbal features, but without saying so explicitly.

Women’s Professional Attire
Make a professional attire donation and or make a request by type, size, and condition. Please include as maky details as you can!
Bags for Him and for Her
Make a professional attire donation and or make a request by type, size, and condition. Please include as maky details as you can!

Men’s Professional Attire
Make a professional attire donation and or make a request by type, size, and condition. Please include as maky details as you can!
Make a Donation and Suit Up!
You can donate your own professional attire!
Or you can make a monetary donation and we we will get the professional attire to the student in need!
Request Your Own Style!
The purpose of the information below is for you to reflect on the effectiveness and ethics of employing tips about workplace dress, as well as on some rules for workplace dress. However, remember to always be yourself!
Using your favorite search engine, find web sites that discuss the relationship between how one dresses and the image they project in the work place. Make a list of “tips” taken from the web sites.
And reflect on your perceptions of the effectiveness and ethics of employing such tips, as well as your experience with dress codes in the workplace.
Donate and Suit Up!
The goal of Suit Up! Professional Attire Donation Program is to cater the professional dress needs of all future, current, and former low-income Law Students. However, it will not always be possible due to lack of donors, or lack of merchandise.
We still want to help! Do not hesitate and submit your request. We will use the requested fees and our donations to help you look like the great professional you are!
Bussiness Casual
Latest Experiences!
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