Friendly Law provides future, current, and former low-income law students with opportunities to begin and succeed in their professional journey. It also serves the community at large by making law friendlier, and thus, providing a better understanding of the interaction between law and the different aspects of their everyday life.
How we do it? Through:
Scholarships for future, current, and former low-income law students to pay for their Bar Exam and begin to succeed in their professional journey. Learn more about how to apply for yours here!
Professionals and Scholars from different fields sharing their research and expertise, as well as their experiences and analysis of the interconnection between the legal world and their professional fields. Learn here about our prerecorded sessions to watch, or upcoming live sessions for you to register and join!
Law doesn’t need to be complicated. However, it is! In addition, ignorance of the law doesn’t exempt from responsibility. So why is the law not included as part of the primary education process in this country? Friendly Law wants to change this as a means to also break with the school to prison pipeline. Learn here how you can get involved!
Conversationals are meant to be an informal time to share experiences, questions, comments, or concerns with others alike or within the Friendly Law community. Here you can either request or find a Conversational that touches on the issues or topics of your interest.
Here you can either find or make a request to grow your network by simply making new connections, or by engaging in research projects and opportunities with other great minds!
Here you can donate your unwanted but “in good condition” professional attire.
Here you can also make a request for a professional attire donation!
Here you can find students like you, and either join a current Digital Study Group Session, or make a request for a Digital Study Group Session between 5 and 10 students, and one or more of our Mentors!
Here you can find our many different fundraising campaigns and how you can get involved! Someone’s future it’s waiting for your help!
Friendly Law believes in the need for education and advanced professional work beyond the traditional legal practice, focused on the interconnection between law and the needs and expectations of the ordinary citizen on issues concerning the basic values of international order and world civilization.
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
— The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Article 19)
“Publishing makes the reading-writing connection real as it engages students in the writing process and the communication of meaning to a wider audience. The opportunity to publish one’s work for others to see, touch, read, and reread has special appeal and provides many students with the incentive to write.” (Bromley & Mannix, 1993).
A 1 to 2 hour digital meeting with a single professional, a academic or scholar, or a panel of up to 3 to formally discuss a topic in relation to law, rule(s) and or regulation(s).
1 to 2 hour digital meeting with a single person or a panel of up to 3 to informally discuss a topic in relation to law, rule(s) and or regulation(s).
Digital meetings for students everywhere to meet with students alike and have robust discussions and or study sessions about a requested class, and or class topic.
Take a look at our list of prerecorded and upcoming Workshops and Conversationals for you to watch on your own or to join! If you can’t find anything of interest or value to you, you can also make a request below! Take a look at our Workshops and Conversationals Formats to know exactly what format works best for you to watch or to make a request!
Cras ultricies ligula sed magna dictum porta. Curabitur aliquet quam id dui posuere blandit. Donec rutrum congue leo eget malesuada. Vivamus suscipit tortor eget felis porttitor volutpat. Quisque velit nisi, pretium ut lacinia in, elementum id enim.
Learning Japanese for Business
Cras ultricies ligula sed magna dictum porta. Curabitur aliquet quam id dui posuere blandit. Donec rutrum congue leo eget malesuada. Vivamus suscipit tortor eget felis porttitor volutpat. Quisque velit nisi, pretium ut lacinia in, elementum id enim.
Full-time Student Abroad
The form below is the best way to submit your Newsletter Article. Please type or paste your Newsletter Article as plain text, not HTML, and please do not use brackets. Information relevant to your expertise, or additional authors, should be included together with any sources used.
Please note that this form is to submit Newsletter Articles by any individual member of society, regardless of expertise or credentials, to The People’s Newsletter only. Workshop Proposal by professionals and scholars with credentials and with an expertise in any field to showcase their work, should be submitted to Professional Workshops, and manuscripts and essays should be submitted to The Mentors’ Blog only. Law Students submissions should be sent through The Students’ Corner.
General questions to Friendly Law can be sent by email to (Please do not send attachments to this address). You can also Subscribe below!